​Martina Logan
Comedy Teams & Sketch Shows
The improv duo Justice is Blonde, Martina Logan and Georgia Gove, improvisationally twists the detective genre, putting fear in the hearts of criminals! Each night, with a
suggestion of a crime from the audience, the duo develops daring detective deftness. They plot the dastardly deposition playing as despots, delinquents, and desperadoes. And they have yet to get the same crime twice so anything goes as they play every role in your favorite episode of Law & Order but with matching outfits

Martina Logan and Jake Sanders are Partners in Time. With a suggestion of an era in time, these two time travelers continue tellings their episodic tale as they continue to travel through time and space.
Time After Time is a sketch show written by a bunch of friends who all have very good reasons to hop in a time machine and change the past. Too bad that’s totally against the rules. Come see our sketch show about love, murder, nerds, and our shitty economy.

Are You Mad At Me?
The Second City Training Center
Level 6 Conservatory Show, 2018